Auteur RQS : Vulgarisatrice et rédactrice scientifique

Arielle Friedman BSc

J’écris sur : Sciences cognitives, génétique, thérapie holistique

Arielle Friedman has a long-time obsession with the relationship between Cognitive Science and cannabis/psychedelics. She has a degree in Cognitive Systems and over ten years of experience in scientific and technical writing. She's worked in a research lab and has published peer-reviewed scientific papers.

“Nous avons perdu de vue ce que c’était le chaos. C’est d’ailleurs pour ça qu’il a si mauvaise réputation. L’Égo le redoute et se crispe, car seul le contrôle régit et définit son existence” – Terence McKenna

Arielle Friedman is a writer and editor who's been fascinated/obsessed by the relationship between drugs and the brain for over a decade. In her writing, she combines knowledge from her BSc in Cognitive Systems and self-study with narrative non-fiction story-telling. Arielle has experience working in a research lab and as a TA, and has over ten years of experience in science/technical writing.

Arielle is working on a novel and is in search of a literary agent. She lives in Mexico and spends time visiting Canada and the United States. Influences include Mark Lewis, David Foster Wallace, and Robert Anton Wilson. Other interests include gender, totalitarianism, the English language, history, and spending way too much time reading about politics.

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